List of 426 Sets of Synonyms - How they Differ - Total of 2307 Words - 200

SYNONYMS: increase, expand, enlarge, extend, augment, multiply.
These verbs mean to make or become greater or larger.

Increase applies most widely; it sometimes suggests steady growth: Absence diminishes mediocre passions and increases great ones. The mayor's political influence rapidly increased.
To expand is to increase in size, area, volume, bulk, or range: He does exercises to expand his chest. Work expands so as to fill the time available for completion.
Enlarge refers to expansion in size, extent, capacity, or scope: The landowner enlarged her property by repeated purchases. Our group of friends is enlarging by leaps and bounds.
To extend is to lengthen in space or time or to broaden in range, as of application: The transit authority extended the subway line to the next town. The baseball season may be extended.
Augment usually applies to what is already developed or well under way: augmented her collection of books; depression that augments with each visit to the hospital.
To multiply is to increase in number, especially by propagation or procreation: As for my cats, they multiplied. May thy days be multiplied!

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