List of 426 Sets of Synonyms - How they Differ - Total of 2307 Words - 201

SYNONYMS: indifferent, unconcerned, incurious, detached, uninterested.
These adjectives mean marked by an absence of interest.

Indifferent applies most broadly; it can suggest lack of partiality, bias, or preference or a lack of feeling one way or another: The universe isn't hostile. It's indifferent.
Unconcerned implies not only a lack of interest but also a lack of solicitude, feeling, concern, or care: unconcerned about his friend's plight.
Incurious stresses absence of intellectual inquisitiveness or natural curiosity: strangely incurious about the political upheaval surrounding her.
Detached suggests absence of involvement together with an impersonal point of view: His maturity appears in the detached clear-sightedness with which he could observe his own character.
Uninterested merely denotes lack of interest: an uninterested spectator; an uninterested glance.

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