List of 426 Sets of Synonyms - How they Differ - Total of 2307 Words - 250

SYNONYMS: name, designation, denomination, title.
These nouns all denote the word or words by which someone or something is called and identified.

Name is the general term: I can't recall the child's name. What is friendship but a name?
A designation is a name given principally to classify according to distinguishing characteristics: During the Depression a shantytown was known by the designation Hooverville.
Denomination, also a categorizing term, is applied especially to classes of persons or things: pickpockets, formerly known by the denomination "cutpurse."
Title, applied to people, indicates rank or position and generally connotes distinction and respect (a prince who renounced his title when he became an American citizen); applied to entities such as literary or musical forms, it is a distinguishing name (looking for a colorful and evocative title for the book).

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