Jiang Qing Some Quotes from Mao's Little Red Book
Chapter 23 --- Investigation and Study

To behave like "a blindfolded man catching sparrows" or "a blind man groping for fish", to be crude and careless, to indulge in verbiage, to rest content with a smattering of knowledge -- such is the extremely bad style of work that still exists among many of comrades in our Party, a style utterly opposed to the fundamental spirit of Marxism-Leninism. Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin have taught us that it is necessary to study conditions conscientiously and to proceed from objective reality and not from subjective wishes, but many of our comrades act in direct violation of this truth.

You can't solve a problem? Well, get down and investigate the present facts and its past history! When you have investigated the problem thoroughly, you will know how to solve it. Conclusions invariably come after investigation, and not before. Only a blockhead cudgels his brains on his own, or together in a group to "find a solution" or "evolve an idea" without making any investigation. It must be stressed that this cannot possibly lead to any effective or any good idea.

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Jiang Qing at
"Gang of Four" Trial