Homographs, American English -- Page 2
A Homograph are words that:     1. Are Spelled the Same     2. Are Pronounced the Same     3. But have two different meanings
17. bangs The shots were like loud bangs. (sharp noise)
She wears her hair in bangs. (hair style)
18. bat The baseball bat was broken. (sports equipment)
A bat flew out of the cave. (flying mammal)
19. bow Bow to the audience before playing. (stoop)
The bow of the ship was breaking. (front section of a ship)
20. bluff You can bluff when playing poker. (mislead)
The man stood on the bluff. (promontory)
21. bill We have received a large bill. (list of charges)
The duck's bill is orange. (the beak of a bird)
He wants change for a $5 bill. (paper money)
22. bulb We planted a daffodil bulb. (underground part of a flower)
The light bulb is burned out. (incandescent light)
23. bed My bed is warm and soft. (sleeping furniture)
We planted a bed of flowers. (cultivated or planted land)
24. coat She is wearing a new coat. (upper outer garment)
The desk has a coat of dust. (a layer of material)
25. court The criminal was tried in a court. (judicial assembly)
He wanted to court the lady. (pursue romance with)
26. chest Gold was in the pirate's chest. (sturdy box)
He pounded his chest in rage. (upper part of the body)
27. change I need fifty cents in change. (money)
Can I change my class time? (alter or modify)
28. can A can of food will solve hunger. (cylindrical metal container)
Can you come this evening? (have ability to)
29. check A check came from my bank. (written order from bank)
We need to check on the date. (research or investigate)
30. charge You can charge your purchase. (postpone payment)
What is the charge for lessons? (monetary fee)
Elephants may charge us. (rush forward)
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