Homographs, American English -- Page 3
A Homograph are words that:     1. Are Spelled the Same     2. Are Pronounced the Same     3. But have two different meanings
31. cast The cast of the play went home. (performers)
He had a cast on his broken arm. (a rigid dressing)
He cast the money into the sea. (threw)
32. calf A calf is a baby cow. (offspring of a cow)
The calf of my leg hurts. (fleshy back part of the leg)
33. corn We ate corn at dinner. (cereal vegetable)
I have a corn on my foot. (horny thickening of the skin)
34. crow A big black crow ate the corn. (large black bird)
Roosters crow in the morning. (emit sounds)
35. date I ate a date with my lunch. (fruit of a palm tree)
I have a date with my wife. (an appointment)
36. dart She sewed a dart in her dress. (a tapered tuck)
He threw a dart at the dartboard. (a slender pointed missile)
Don't dart into the street. (to move suddenly)
37. dull The knife is too dull to cut. (not sharp)
The movie was dull and stupid. (arousing no interest)
38. deck A captain was on the deck. (platform or surface on a ship)
I need a deck of cards. (a pack of playing cards)
39. draw If you draw a gun, then shoot. (take out)
I cannot easily draw pictures. (to make a likeness)
They were down in the draw. (shallow gully)
40. down A duck has down on its back. (soft feathers)
Go down the stairs carefully. (move from higher to lower)
41. duck Duck when walking in a cave. (to bend down, stoop)
A duck swam with its mother. (swimming bird)
42. ear I cannot hear in one ear. (hearing organ)
She ate an ear of corn. (seed-bearing spike of a cereal plant)
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