Canning Problems and Solutions - Page 2

Condition Cause Solution
5. Green vegetables turn brown 1. Vegetables overcooked
2. Vegetables are too mature for canning
1. Be more careful on timing
2. Pick out more tender vegetables
6. Fruit floats in jar 1. Fruit is lighter than syrup 1. Use firm, ripe fruit
2. Heat fruit before packing
3. Use a lighter syrup
4. Pack fruit closely as possible
7. Jar seals then unseals (Discard) 1. Spoilage from under processing
2. Food left on sealing surface
3. Hairline cracks in jar
1. Use recommended method and timing
2. Wipe rim before applying lid
3. Check jars, use canning jars
8. Hollow pickles 1. Faulty growth of cucumbers
2. Cucumbers too mature
1. None, hollow cucumbers usually float, use them for relish or to eat.
9. Dark spots on underside of metal lid 1. Natural compounds in some foods cause this.
2. It's harmless and food is safe.
1. None

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