Canning Problems and Solutions - Page 3

Condition Cause Solution
10. Some foods become black, brown or gray 1. Natural chemical substances (tannins, sulfur compounds and acids) in food react with minerals in water or with metals used in preparing the food. 1. Use soft water.
2. Avoid using brass, copper, iron, aluminum, zinc or chipped enamelware and utensils from which tin plate is worn.
11. Loss of liquid during processing. Do not open jar to replace liquid. 1. Food not heated before packing into jars
2. Food packed too tightly.
3. Air bubbles not removed before applying two-piece lids.
4. Steam-pressure canner not operated properly.
5. Jars not covered with water in water bath.
6. Starchy foods absorbed liquid.
1. Use hot pack method.
2. Pack foods loosely.
3. Use non-metallic spatula between food and jar; press gently on food to release trapped air.
4. Do not allow pressure to fluctuate during processing time.
5. Allow pressure to drop to zero naturally and then wait 2 minutes before opening lid.
6. Jars should be covered with water by 1-2 inches throughput processing period.

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