Evaluation of Subtle Differences of 426 Selected Sets of Synonyms -- A Total of 2307 Synonym Words -- Page 7
This is a list of some selected words and how their synonyms differ in their meaning.
  1. coarse, gross, indelicate, vulgar, obscene, ribald. These adjectives apply to what is offensive to accepted standards of decency, propriety, morality, or good taste.
  2. comfortable, cozy, snug, restful. These words mean affording ease of mind or body.
  3. command, order, bid, enjoin, direct, instruct, charge. These verbs mean to issue an instruction that must be obeyed.
  4. commit, consign, entrust, confide, relegate. These verbs mean to give over to another for a purpose such as care or safekeeping.
  5. common, ordinary, familiar, vulgar. These adjectives describe what is generally known or frequently encountered.
  6. confidence, assurance, aplomb, self-confidence, self-possession. These nouns denote a feeling of emotional security resulting from faith in oneself.
  7. confirm, corroborate, substantiate, authenticate, validate, verify. These verbs all mean to affirm the truth, accuracy, or genuineness of something.
  8. conflict, contest, combat, fight. These nouns denote struggle between opposing forces for victory or supremacy.
  9. conjecture, surmise, guess, speculate, infer. These verbs mean to reach a conclusion or judgment on the basis of uncertain evidence.
  10. consider, deem, regard, account, reckon. These verbs refer to holding opinions or views that are based on evaluation.
  11. conspiracy, plot, machination, collusion, intrigue, cabal. Each of these nouns denotes a secret plan to achieve an evil or illegal end.
  12. contain, hold, accommodate. These verbs mean to have within or have the capacity for having within.
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